St Paul's Catholic College

Cumberland City CouncilNew South Wales

Institution data

High school
Type of ownership


St Paul's Catholic College is a Boys secondary school, serving years 7-12. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. St Paul's Catholic College is located in NSW, Sydney Western Suburbs region. St Paul's Catholic College is 1 of 89 catholic schools in the Greystanes area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
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AddressOn large map

Cumberland City Council, New South Wales 198 Old Prospect Road Greystanes New South Wales 2145


11/30/2022, 9:55:28 AM
If you love your children and don't want them to experience trauma, then I strongly suggest that you refrain from sending your children to St Pauls catholic school. My name is Janique Grant, I started in year 7 of the year 2011 and left in year 9 of 2013 through my short time with St. Pauls I experienced bulling from my peers and in some cases from my teacher’s none of which was justified, as I was a young child starting in year 7 it was a new enviroment for myself and I was naturally quiet but especially because I was new to St. Pauls along with many other students in year 7. An example of when the bulling began would be within the classroom If the class was asked to place yourselves into your own groups I would receive uncalled and unwanted hurtful comments from my peers which then led to avoiding classes altogether as I felt it was an unpleasant environment to be in but also it began to effect my mental health, this could have been dealt with and potentially avoided if members of staff were move vigilant within their classrooms because the signs of bulling and withdrawal from myself and my classes went unnoticed as a result of poor safe-guarding. This school failed to support and guide me through my time with st. Pauls all I was told was to just attend every class and ignore all the hurtful comments that I was experiencing and as I result my social worker had no other choice but to intervene and take action this resulted with my social worker demanding that I have a support worker attend all of my classes. St.Pauls lacks support especially for children that are part of the care system and those that suffer with mental health and hidden disabilities this could be due to lack of insufficient training within schools. This became more apparent through your seven when one of my peers decided to spread untrue racism that I did not like white people which was of course was an absolutely lie and came from him out of spite his name is Harry S Clarke his rumour made its way around the entire school which then led to people wanting to attack and bully me further I for one was entirely unaware until I was told by one of my peers which again this situation was missed by members of staff and teachers, ST.Pauls has a school pray and motto which was used I believe twice daily by the entire school which stated to act justly however despite the schools Motto this was not case for myself and for so many other students that suffered however I can only speak on my own behalf. I remember going home on multiple occasions breaking down in tears over all the bullying and abuse I recieived from st.pauls mean while my foster care was witnessing my change in mental state and She then phoned the school explained what has been happening then the next day my form teacher told harry and i to stay behind i told him what happened he asked harry if thats true he said yes and told us to shake hand this seemed to be the over resolution could come up with which of course did not resolve any of the trauma i was subjected. My reasonings for why I am sharing my experience now and not then is due me becoming an adult and feeling stronger to speak out.
9/27/2022, 4:07:49 PM
St Pauls Catholic School has its pros and cons and this varies with both students and teachers. It's not uncommon that many of the students are complaining about the support that the school provides as ive heard; to either do with mental health, studies and etc. It's also been stated that some of the teachers act verbally abusive to students and vise versa. The school is known to be environmental friendly and they do try to give students many advantages for their studies and careers.
6/14/2019, 3:42:47 PM
I while ago I made a 5 star review for this school. That was a mistake. Well, not really. And here's why. In the summer of 2015 I made a review for the school recommending parents and their children to stay away from the place, as due to my own personal experiences, I didn't find the school to be a safe and welcoming place. My point was only proven when I came back to school the following September, where the school took me out and interrogated me as to why I made the bad review. The staff slowly became aggravated, and ended up threatening me with an internal exclusion if I didn't change the review immediately. At the time I felt alone and lost, so I gave in to the school and signed in to MY OWN personal Gmail at the school premises and changed MY INDIVIDUAL OPINION at the schools behest. After a few years, I made a new Gmail account, and decided that silence was not an option. I wasn't going to let the school get the better of me, so I made another review for the school (which you can see) and I expressely emphasised that it was my own opinion. If you don't understand what I'm saying I'll put it bluntly. This school is NOT a good school. Yes, it may achieve "above average" grades, but as I have noted, it is a school that praises the students who blindly follow commands, and not those who are individual. Don't go to this school. Thank you for reading this review, I'm glad you got to the end! If you have time, please read my other review, explaining a bit more in depth about my disdain towards this school. I'd like to end with a little reply to whatever the school wants to come back to me with. This is my opinion, and FORCING ME TO REMOVE IT is a VIOLATION of my HUMAN RIGHTS of FREE SPEECH. You have done it before, so just remember that you committed a crime in doing so. Please don't do it again. Thank you.
4/29/2018, 12:19:02 AM
Hello people. The purpose of this review is to inform and educate (ironic) parents and young people as to why I am strongly advising against going to this school. I would like to begin with a disclaimer. This review is MY review and is not subject to factual basis. I am not the school, and my opinions shared are not the opinions (to my belief) that the school shares. Firstly I want to start on the good points. This schools excels in education , but since I haven't attended another secondary school thus far I have no complete conclusion on that. However, from my own guess I would say St. Pauls' education system is above average. Now on to the bad reasons for which this review is rated so poorly because of. Some teachers at St. Pauls' are spiteful and judgemental of students. A lot of the teachers take one look at students and make assumptions of their characters. This affects the teachers' and the students' ability to properly communicate with each other. And some teachers even go as far as making insults at students. I myself have been personally attacked by one teacher. She had recently been with me when I had visited student support, and since I refused to say anything she later went to say (as I was talking to other students) , "So you DO talk then." . I found this extremely offensive and ill mannered, and expected more from a teacher. I was also highly appalled at the way students are picked out for exclusive activities/clubs. In particular I noticed that no matter what the activity/club, the school will only pick students who are popular or highly represented in the school background. If you are somehow not popular amongst teachers (regardless of skill in lessons) you will be downgraded and given less opportunities. Another very concerning matter is the abundance of bullying in the school. Bullying is rife in St. Pauls' often with whole groups of people ganging around on one person. The school likes to pride itself on its' "anti-bullying policy" and its' "supporting community", however I see no actual proof of these being enacted. The students, we can pass on being "supportive" as that is most likely the role of a teacher, but as you may have guessed, the teachers do absolutely nothing! If bullying occurs in lesson they will either completely disregard the matter and pretend its' all a joke, or simply follow the "go out of the classroom" ruse. In actuality the teachers are plainly apathetic to any victims of bullying, with the most they do being, "Are you okay?" or "Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up.". I find this attitude to bullying a polar opposite to what the school says it is. Overall, I would say that if you are a popular person who follows trends, likes to follow the cool people, and be shallow enough to buy lots of designer and expensive underwear, then you'd be a perfect match for St. Pauls' Catholic School. If not, then please! Don't make the mistakes I did and go somewhere else!. Thank you.
4/1/2018, 12:00:10 AM
Left this place as it went downhill. Kids hardly learnt anything in lessons. I left it yr8 and move to a new school and I'm now in yr10 and my grades are much better. There were a lot of fights weekly. But there are some cons. You could get away with quite a few things

Rating based on reviews

1.6 out of 5 stars

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