Caringbah North Public School

Sutherland Shire CouncilNew South Wales

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Caringbah North Public School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years K-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Caringbah North Public School is located in NSW, Sydney South Western Suburbs - Inner region. Caringbah North Public School is 1 of 188 government schools in the Caringbah area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

Sutherland Shire Council, New South Wales 125 Cawarra Rd Caringbah New South Wales 2229


6/1/2023, 9:37:06 AM
I went here last year as a year 6 student, and I MISS IT SO MUCH I WANNA GO BACKKKK! Maybe cause Highschool sucks I'm feeling nostalgic, BUT TAKE ME BACK PLEASEEEEE. I DIDN'T APPRECIATE THIS SCHOOL ENOUGHHHH
12/24/2022, 4:36:40 AM
I was only here for 2 years. It was an ok school. The mainstreams and the oc class hated each other and some teachers were pretty strict but other than that it was a good school. There was a scandal with our PE teacher and he got arrested.
10/16/2022, 12:35:36 PM
Unfortunately, for us, I must admit that this was a relatively upsetting experience. Sent our child here for 3 years. Kindy - year 2. This was our first school in AU. Kindy teacher - Rachel Cepeda, was an angel and a treasure. She is the sole reason, it is 2 stars from us. She had a specialization in English as a second language, provided timely and constructive feedback, directed and guided us. It was all downhill after Kindy class. Communications. Just broken. For internal or other reasons they restricted teachers in communicating directly with parents via email or messages. All correspondence should have been routed through the office. Which might have been ok, if only communications would have been as swift as before and inquiries not falling through cracks. Education stats communication. Criminally confusing and evasive. For a term or two you could receive pleasant feedback, that would not prepare you for a devastating report. Do not trust any promises, since they might be misleading and consequences - horrifying. Education interventions. Not satisfactory. Kindy and year 1 was ok, however year 2 was just awful. Pulling out a kid from class to read a book on a bench for 15 minutes twice a week is not an intervention. Behavior control. Absent. Bullies and "hard kids" won't be dealt with. Period. Education Flexibility. Sub-par. They failed to adapt to remote education. Failed to communicate and to train all stakeholders properly. Failed to keep consistency across teachers with tools used. Having that said, I admit that there were parents and kids happy with this school. Kids that became happier in this school, than they were in their previous ones. Shame that we weren't one of those families. Oh and don't get fooled by high scores on My wild guess - opportunity class pulls the weight. CNPS. Please catch up. You have all possibilities to become a good school. You are trusted with the most valuable humans. Don't fail them.
5/25/2022, 7:34:21 AM
This school was an ok school. I went to this school during year5 and year6 as i was in the OC class. I didn't quite enjoy the school as some teachers don't let us go to the park after school which is where the main place where kids socialise after school. Adults are always complaining about kids not going outside more, maybe the problem isn't acutally us and its actually the adults.
5/5/2022, 4:13:05 AM
Mrs Lombo is so annoying!! She kept eating our science experiment (it was mouldy bread). >:( Went there for two years and my teacher can't even remember my name SMH. The year 6s are really annoying I think they should have been kicked out

Rating based on reviews

3 out of 5 stars

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