Fortitude Valley State Secondary College


Institution data

High school
Type of ownership


Fortitude Valley State Secondary College is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years 7. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Fortitude Valley State Secondary College is located in QLD, Brisbane City Central & Northern Suburbs region. Fortitude Valley State Secondary College is 1 of 57 independent schools in the Fortitude Valley area.

Clubs and sections

BYOD Program: Years 5-12

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
Rating based on reviews
Rank in the city
Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

Brisbane, Queensland 585 St Pauls Terrace Fortitude Valley Queensland 4006


6/24/2023, 7:58:11 AM
Another students broke my sons arm but the student was really nice about it
6/15/2023, 8:20:14 PM
This school is a no from me. The biggest issue that I had was that they were pushing there LGBTQ+ values onto my kids and that you had to agree with there gay values or my kids would get a detentions or a different form of punishment. Also my kids learned nothing from this schools curriculum and have been set them back in knowledge by two years, even a teacher who previously worked there didn't want there child attending this school. When i saw them again they mentioned the bad curriculum and teacher culture in the school and warned me not to allow my kids to attend fvssc. however believe if the teacher adapt to the kids individualty and not force the students to adapt to the teachers it would be one step from being the worst school especially with all these bad reviews that 100% agree with.
5/10/2023, 1:18:35 AM
Awful school, constant breaches of ethics and basic human rights. absolutely shameful behaviour to special needs students. whatever you do do NOT bring your kid to this school.
3/2/2023, 6:13:22 AM
The is the worst school in the Universe. The Principal and Teaching staff do not role model the school values. I have experience (and evidence) of students and myself (as a parent) being discriminated against, victimised, yelled at, intimated, and interrogated by the Principal and Teaching staff. Many of the the teachers (including the Principal) do not adhere to, nor do they uphold the requirements and values specified in QLD Teachers “Code of Ethics”. Also, there is a high rate of staff turn over. I wonder why? Toxic workplace culture…possibly? If you care about the best interests of your child, their mental health & wellbeing, and their future then please heed my message and DO NOT send your child to this school. It’s not even worthy of one star.
12/16/2022, 1:52:35 AM
The bushes bring me back to the war. In ‘Nam, we thought we were safe, but then the Americans came and screwed the operation over. I remember in 1967 when i got the draft letter. It was sealed with a red wax stamp. 3 years after the letter came, me and the bois shipped off to ‘Nam, the boat was small and leaky, and the rain was cold. We arrived incognito, no one knew we were on the island. Then the Americans came and tried to tell us about raid shadow legends. The Veit soldiers jumped us. Timmy didn’t make it out alive. RIP TIMMY Edit- in all seriousness, this school is actually great, I love coming here, miss Mr Simmons tho. All the bad reviews are written by one person so don’t pay too much attention to them

Rating based on reviews

2.4 out of 5 stars

total 5 reviews

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