Indooroopilly State High School


Institution data

High school
Type of ownership
International students


Indooroopilly State High School is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years 7-12. No uniform. Indooroopilly State High School is located in QLD, Brisbane City Central & Northern Suburbs region. Indooroopilly State High School is 1 of 148 government schools in the Indooroopilly area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

Brisbane, Queensland Ward Street Indooroopilly Queensland 4068


6/30/2023, 4:44:22 AM
As a year 7, here are my thoughts. CONS --------- The tuckshop foods are quite overpriced. ($4 for a 500mL aloe vera drink that you can get a litre of it at coles for $1.50) Lots of Eshays and kids who vape (even people in my class) IMO, from the past experience in year 7 sports, the more competitive the people are, the more toxic they get. If you make a small rookie mistake, it can lead to be yelled at which drains my self confidence. I've witnessed bullying in my class and during recesses, which is one of the issues across the school. But I haven't seen much, mainly people in my class. Past Behaviour of a teacher grooming a child. --------- PROS --------- The unique styles that are all over the schools are amazing, having that much confidence to wear something people call 'weird' or 'cringe' to without caring about a word they say, is amazing. Its a big school, so if you're a newcomer you will tend to get lost often. Luckily, you have a map of the school in your student handbook. So far, I haven't been in any evacuations. Compared to Centenary State High School, there has been multiple false fires and bomb threats which the whole school has to evacuate to the oval to skip class, which is entirely a bad habit. (THIS MAY BE CONTROVERSIAL) IMO, The teachers I've had care about you and how you're learning. People in my class absolutely despises my math teacher, but that doesn't stop her from teaching. They are motivated people who help the students be successful. --------- Thank you.
4/15/2023, 4:45:09 AM
Well, I sent my younger son to both Indooroopilly and St Peters. I would not recommend St Peter's. Indooroopilly however provided dedicated interested teachers who were actually motivated to help their students to do well. The Head of School and the admin at the time were helpful and mostly efficient. My son graduated with good marks which were largely his own work (once he woke up and started working) but were also a credit to all those Indooroopilly teachers who guided him. Who helped him. Who understood what he needed and when he needed it. I hope the school has continued in this tradition.
3/25/2023, 5:09:46 AM
Make sure the teacher's don't groom your kids. A lovely lady teacher who takes extra special care of her pupils...School knew and parents found out via their children and social media. Gross.
11/28/2022, 11:49:34 AM
good school in general tuckshop quite expensive (like wth $5 for a ice tea?) lots of eshay bahs, kids who vape and weird popular loud kids on the school bus. overall good opportunities tho like ski trip and un day very enjoyable school with few things they could fix up
10/24/2022, 1:26:30 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed my time at the school, loved the subjects I did and really connected with some of my teachers. Bit crowded but the school is providing more resources to combat this. Film room is so awesome.

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4 out of 5 stars

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