New Farm State School


Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


New Farm State School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. New Farm State School is located in QLD, Brisbane City Central & Northern Suburbs region. New Farm State School is 1 of 148 government schools in the New Farm area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

(07) 3358 7333

Brisbane, Queensland Cnr James and Heal Streets New Farm Queensland 4005


5/22/2023, 6:56:43 AM
Missed this school, NFSS school's principal set a good example as a leader to the rest of the school's faculty, what a legend, every morning she stands by the school's gate opens the car door greet the student by his/her name and she does the exact the same when pick ups , if she is not available the principal debuty would do the same , unlike the current school my kid at , NFSS is full of activity that stimulates the kids brains and they really focus on maths and reading, when my kid reaches home he is already overwhelmed and drained eats showers and sleeps , unlike the current school it feels like he is going to a playground and comes back home full of energy , no maths no activity nothing dump as hell . The only one down fall is school is full of bullies parented by idiots that's all , if it wasn't for that we would have not moved school . Fed up of my kid complaining each and every single day .
11/18/2022, 11:17:04 AM
Hold up this aint the right review, stars. Please ima bout to speak some fax to u rn. THis school was sooooo mid like ong bro. WHat do doin with 4.1 stars huh??????????? THis was a horrible school filled with pigeons i would attacked everyday and the kids there, were mid af.
11/9/2022, 7:23:01 AM
My daughter has excelled with Mr Nash and Miss McLeod we are thrilled to be part of the school. My wife and I hope our youngest get Mr Nash next year to start her school journey
4/26/2022, 2:34:07 AM
not a good school. made some good friends but the3 teachers are dumb.
3/28/2022, 12:25:57 AM
Okay School. Sure I've made many great friendships that will last a century however their teachers( Majority of them) lack the basic skill to make in interesting for the students. Sure their is a argument how school is not meant to be fun, however if they explained it better, clearly, and had more younger teachers who were excited to come to their jobs every day and teach than MAYBE, a big maybe it could make this school a good School. Also the rule of no phones allowed kinda annoys everyone, they even went to far to take a "E watch" which main purpose is to see where the Child is and ensure they are safe which has a School Mode intended for safety Only. Way to go NFSS only good thing their were their tuck shop.

Rating based on reviews

3.2 out of 5 stars

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