All Saints Catholic Primary School

City of OnkaparingaSouth Australia

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


All Saints Catholic Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years R-7. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. All Saints Catholic Primary School is located in SA, Adelaide Southern Suburbs region. All Saints Catholic Primary School is 1 of 22 catholic schools in the Seaford area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

City of Onkaparinga, South Australia 621 Grand Boulevard Seaford South Australia 5169


9/5/2019, 8:20:45 PM
people only write these reviews if they have had something bad happen, which is a rarity. I have gone to this school for 6 years and it has been amazing, the community is brilliant. Go to an open day and check it out!
11/12/2018, 4:52:43 PM
Unfortunately I have to agree with posts stating its not what it use to be. Since the senior leadership team has changed, through staff leaving, the way the upper school has been ran, in particular the dreadful sixth form is disappointing. The school seem to make bizarre unnecessary changes when more obvious important ones don't happen. I think blocking off the stage and making it a storage area has actually lost a great asset and just created a large bin. On my visits the children's behaviour was appalling. Swearing and sitting on the floor eating chips. What was most shocking was the member of staff i was visiting stepped over them and expected me to do the same! No authority. The education in years 10 and 11 was exceptional. The preparation for GCSEs I can't fault. Teachers kept in touch with me via email and my child attended multiple revision lessons. I do want to mention a very strange decision taken to put a key lock on a side gate. Behind this gate is two further high metal gates that are locked out of school hours. On leaving late the key lock gate shut behind us and we found the metal gates were also locked. We were trapped between two sets of gates! Why? Why does that gate need a key pad? I find it a waste of money. I dont agree with the school being completly cashless, especially when a teacher then sets homework on money! And the child can run up arrears which are not capped. Their parent would then be responsible for setteling the account. Nothing like encouraging debt. No car park at the lower site is also a nightmare and again a waste of money putting in a barrier. Hope emergency services don't ever need access. I'm hoping the new head will stop these out of touch " business" changes and focus on what actually would benefit the school. One last moan.. all PTA, parent forum meetings are on an evening because we all are at home after 1700 apparently!! The acting head is a complete embarrassment to the school. Very immature and doesn't stamp on bullying, just laughs it off.
10/13/2018, 5:28:54 AM
Reading the posts on here are a little disappointing when looking to choose a school for your child-reports that the headmaster is very good -although pupils behavior in lower levels is disappointing ? How is this managed in the school
8/27/2016, 3:29:49 PM
Wonderful teachers with a great sixth form, well respected school that performs well
3/23/2015, 2:35:29 PM
Has a great, nice and friendly Sixthform. The teachers are always there to help out when ever you need , the school is very open, well managed and organised !! Enjoyed studying here~

Rating based on reviews

3.8 out of 5 stars

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