Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School

City of CaseyVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School is located in VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port region. Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School is 1 of 239 government schools in the Cranbourne area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

City of Casey, Victoria 15 Silky Oak Drive Cranbourne Victoria 3977


9/9/2022, 1:27:38 AM
i love the teachers they taught me so much but i have so much embarrassing memories that i can't forget, i highly recommend this school my nephew will be coming next year i hope, actually i already know that he will enjoy his time.
8/28/2019, 1:23:02 PM
My daughter is studying in the school, and I am very satisfied with her academic, social and psychological growth. The teacher know her strengths and weaknesses, and actually work closely with their students. The patents are kept updated through seesaw about where the children are standing, and are they doing in the classroom, which helps parents to guide what they should focus on with their children. My daughter's teacher is so good and wrlcome all the queries anytime. My daughter is learning to be a strong, caring and supportive girl. Thanks to her teachers.
8/7/2019, 10:49:53 AM
The school is not perfect and some of the students are bullies but it does have a good education, the teachers can help out if help is needed, teachers know how to handle a classroom and can handle almost every situation, they put the students first and students become more independent and ready for whatever is ahead of them. This school is amazing and I highly recommend sending your child here. also no school is ever perfect and bully free so this school is just a casual school with benefits. sincerely, a former student
5/20/2018, 12:42:25 AM
These teachers are amazing. They helped me (a former student) to be successful now. I can't believe that you guys are writing mean comments when you have only experienced one bad thing from our school. We get it. They walked out on the national anthem but it is apart of their religion. It's like telling a christian to stop believing in god. See... You wouldn't like it. Bullying only happened once to 1 out of 5 people in our school and they said it didn't really matter because it was just them being mad at their friends. You guys have no right to be going down on teachers who try their hardest to educate your kids!
10/27/2015, 12:19:31 AM
I am disappointed to see that a public school is allowing a religion to overrule the respect for our nation. I understand if these children are very religious, and we had orthodox children miss school, but they missed school. They did not disrupt the remainder of the school for their purposes. Maybe a better solution would be for the national anthem to be sung either first, or last, and the other children, who by their religious choice have chosen to stand out, should enter after, or leave before, but not leave and then return. I see that as truly divisive.

Rating based on reviews

4.4 out of 5 stars

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