Cranbourne East Primary School

City of Casey,ย Victoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Cranbourne East Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Cranbourne East Primary School is located in VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port region. Cranbourne East Primary School is 1 of 239 government schools in the Cranbourne East area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

City of Casey, Victoria โ€ข 2 Bowyer Avenue Cranbourne East Victoria 3977


4/18/2023, 6:55:58 AM
This school is one of the worst government schools in the area. A handful of good teachers in CEPS, otherwise starting with the principal, their leadership and wellbeing even the admin assistants, we are very disappointed ๐Ÿ˜” They make your child a target๐Ÿ˜ก What I mean by this, if your child has a high IQ, they need challenging learning, beyond what they are learning. But of course that can be a problem for most of the teachers there ๐Ÿ˜ฌ When children are bored they get into trouble (it's not rocket science!) My son become a target through the whole year of 2022 ๐Ÿ˜ก and the same thing started this year, actually much worse! It's easier to try to get rid of the children who needs any extra job ๐Ÿ˜” Well, as a parent I knew, I have to move my son โค๏ธ Just not okay, when a person who should look after students wellbeing, actually intimidates children admitting things they haven't done! Fabricate things! Just not okay!!! Eventually got to talk to the principal and telling him that " we have concerns regarding our son's wellbeing at this school!" and asked the principal " that we don't want this particular person to be near our son!" Failed at the same day ๐Ÿ˜ก That's unfortunately our experience with this school ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ก
3/8/2023, 10:34:08 AM
Go to this school the teacher are awesome and nice you will never regret going to Cranbourne East primary school and principal are nice they have a canteen and is very expensive not going to lie.
3/2/2023, 12:00:12 AM
The is a rubbish school I've ever sence don't let your kids go here unless you wont then to be hurt kick in the head and so on and to a disable little kid this school is a joke the vice principal has had multiple reports
12/29/2022, 12:58:42 PM
This school has taught me such amazing skills! I personally believe that this school doesn't deserve these one star reviews. CEPS is trying their best to make their school an amazing school for children to develop and learn. As a student that goes here the education is well and fair for people their age. The teachers do not shout or disrespect the students, nor do the students disrespect the teachers and staff.
5/24/2022, 2:21:32 AM
A disappointment. If you are looking for a school that will meet your child at point of need, foster their development and welcome a partnership with families this is not the school you are looking for. The school is a very large school which they will use repeatedly as an excuse for their shortcomings. Due to it's size the school runs a crowd control operation as opposed to building relationships to foster the academic and emotional development of children. The school implements a one size fits all behaviour management system whereby children move their name up and down a board based on their behaviour, children are extrinsically motivated with prizes to follow expectations and are humiliated in front of peers when their choices don't align with expectations (often being yelled at and ridiculed). Any concerns raised are met with defensive responses and opportunities to discuss with the principal are not available due to the shield of assistant principals employed at the school who road block parents. There are some lovely teachers at the school but unfortunately a handful of good teachers does not negate the poor leadership, poor communication and approach of the school.

Rating based on reviews

2.6 out of 5 stars

total 5 reviews

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