Karingal Primary School

City of FrankstonVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Karingal Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Karingal Primary School is located in VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port region. Karingal Primary School is 1 of 239 government schools in the Frankston area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

City of Frankston, Victoria Mallum Avenue Frankston Victoria 3199


4/20/2023, 11:02:47 PM
Hi! I used to go here for about a year in 2020-2021. I was heavily bullied by my peers because I was openly nonbinary which is common for autistic people my age, and was called slurs almost everyday by other kids. The teachers did nothing about it when I was harassed and basically punished me for it by making me sit in a small area instead of making the person who targeted me sit there. If he was to go up to me I would be trapped there as I wouldn't be allowed to leave that area. A Teacher once also saw me cut myself and did nothing, didn't tell my parents or offer help. It was my way of crying for help which was blatantly ignored. The staff here are rude and uncaring for children. Please don't send your kids here if they are special needs. I was in the montessori unit and wasn't properly cared for, as I would skip class and not do my homework or any work for that matter. The teachers never did anything about it.
4/4/2023, 12:25:37 PM
Our experience with the school has been fantastic. I have kids in prep and grade 5. All the staff at the school (from office to teachers to principle) have always been there if we have needed help. The school is currently going through some big changes with making buildings more accessible and getting a new multi purpose build. Which is just making the school better and better.
1/17/2023, 10:59:51 AM
Pretty good school, I went there for 7 years and they were good, schools a bit small and they’re having a canteen being built in, But the teachers were lovely. I was in the Montessori program and that was an amazing experience, it really set me up for highschool.
10/24/2020, 10:30:27 AM
My son started the Montessori program this year (week 5 of term 1). The school has been very supportive with the transition.The staff members are very friendly and the Montessori program suits my son very well.
8/17/2020, 6:49:10 PM
I have 3 children in Prep & Grade 1 currently attending KPS. I have had only good experiences with all the staff, Mrs Luff does a great job with her partner in crime Mrs Marsten. The office staff are always helpful & lovely to deal with & my childrens 2 teachers are absolutely fantastic!! The best!! Obviously im fresh to the school, so far so good though!! FYI: 2 pts to make- all classes are ‘composites’ & there is no ‘canteen’.

Rating based on reviews

4 out of 5 stars

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