Lighthouse Christian College, Keysborough

Lighthouse Christian College, Keysborough

City of Greater DandenongVictoria


Lighthouse Christian College, Keysborough, City of Greater Dandenong, Victoria, photo №1Lighthouse Christian College, Keysborough, City of Greater Dandenong, Victoria, photo №2Lighthouse Christian College, Keysborough, City of Greater Dandenong, Victoria, photo №3

Institution data

High school
Primary school
Type of ownership


The mission of Lighthouse Christian College is to assist Christian parents to teach and train their children in a Christian teaching and learning environment. Founded in 1989, the college has earned a reputation of being ‘the Christian choice for excellence in education’.

Clubs and sections

Computer Technician
Specialist Coaching
Chaplain/Religious Advisor
Cross country running
Instrumental Music Teachers
School Camps
Art Tuition
Community Service
Remedial Support Teacher
International Student Exchange
Snow skiing
Chess Club
Duke Of Edinburgh's Award
Australian Rules Football
Disability Support Aides
Music theory
ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
Academic Honours Awards
Speech and Drama Tuition
Charitable Clubs and Organisations
Environmental Action Group
Annual Hosting Of Shibuya School (Tokyo, Japan)
Enhanced And Accelerated Stream, Years 7-10
Maths Extension Classes
Academic Extension Support Teacher
Mathematics Society
Careers Counsellor
Creative Writing

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
Exams results
Rating based on reviews
Rank in the city
Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

City of Greater Dandenong, Victoria 927 Springvale Rd Keysborough Victoria 3173


6/9/2023, 10:49:12 AM
My partner Adam Taylor attended lighthouse Christian college in the 90s, the pastor at the time Mr Warner employed a principal that would only be called Sir at all times. He used to hit the boys with a strap and use a table tennis bat for the girls which he was quite proud of, could never work out why we had to call him Sir until now. I have a young daughter and I would be devastated if someone took pleasure in smacking her on the bum with a table tennis bat. Worked out who Sir is….Phillip Andrew.
2/13/2023, 10:02:11 AM
Lighthouse Christian college is a great school. My daughter was there since kinder, now she is in grade 5. She loves school, loves her teachers, love her friends. We could have sent my daughter to any school, yet we decided to send her to Lighthouse. School now has a new principal Mr Leong, he's a great man from Singapore and I pray for him. We attended musical night last year, it was unbelievable, the students were so amazing, world class show, I can't believe Lighthouse school could put on a show like that after 2 years of Covid. I wish Mr Forest could stay, he's very talented. All of staffs and teachers are Christian, kind and honest that make me feel a safe place for my daughter. My daughter is very happy with her school, I'm planning to send my younger children to Lighthouse also. We don't want to move to another place because we love this school. It's the best place you can send your kids to.
12/7/2022, 11:35:35 PM
Highly recommended Christian school with the exceptional values and great teachers and students. Stuff are practising believers and involved in local churches ministry.
11/6/2022, 12:40:11 AM
I applied for a bus driver job here and was declined because I don't go to church, imagine if the situation was reversed and I declined one of them a job because they go to church could you imagine the uproar it would cause. Far from Christian to decline a person a job because of church attendance they are bigots that demand you believe what they believe or else.
10/27/2022, 5:46:51 AM
its a very good school, the only thing I am not happy is that there are many people who like to blame things on other students, and the teachers always believes the person who blames people/bullies. But some teachers a very good and listens to both sides of the story. - a student 4 stars Students keep on screaming in my ear. I fell down once and there was no teachers on yard duty there, I was crying on the floor because I fell obvi. ONLY when my friend called a teacher the teacher came, the students kept on coming to see what's going on, I cried more because of the crowd but the teacher did try to keep things calm. some Students hurt each and blame it on others. - a student 3 stars i think that the school is kind of bad because they sometimes swear even year ones. In this year there have been 4 times the principal changed. and they told us we are going to combine navigate and beam into a big primary, we we all said 'NOOOOO' but they still cared on! WHAT THE HECK LIGHTHOUSE!!!! now they are giving us SWIMMING AGAIN, I HATE SWIMMING! some of the swimming teachers are really rude and sassy they yelled at my friend because they let her almost drown, but some are ok. the changing rooms are so huge but no privacy only in the tiny toilets, and that the toilets are broken and we have to use the staff toilets, the boys get to keep there privacy toilets! HOW RUDE RIGHT??? and I go to after school care and they don't serve food anymore! we have to get our own food and if you forget you just have to starve or ask for food from others. The canteen is closed for 3 weeks because of exams, and we have to bring food and only sausages on Tuesday and Thursday. - a student

Rating based on reviews

3 out of 5 stars

total 5 reviews

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