Ilim College Secondary Girls Campus

City of HumeVictoria

Institution data

High school
Primary school
Type of ownership


Ilim College Secondary Girls Campus is a Coeducation combined school, serving years P-12. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Ilim College Secondary Girls Campus is located in VIC, Melbourne Northern Suburbs region. Ilim College Secondary Girls Campus is 1 of 29 independent schools in the Melbourne area.

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AddressOn large map

City of Hume, Victoria 30 Inverloch Crescent, Dallas Melbourne Victoria 3047


6/29/2023, 2:25:09 PM
i banged every single hot female teacher
6/12/2023, 6:12:14 AM
Good support systems such as speech pathology, career counselling, special needs and mental services. Good toilets scattered around the school for use, and great work done by full-time cleaners who keep the school tidy (though the students litter a lot). Okay range of electives and VCE subjects. Lockers are tiny but they fit your books. Leadership needs more work, as there are far too many assignments for students to keep up with. Student demands are not often met. School places financial priority on simple inconveniences, rather than things that actually need attention. Behaviour management and discipline needs work. The students are garbage. Not sugar-coating anything, I have no idea who raised those kids. They’re the main reason why I left the school. Leadership often places the blame on teachers for bad behaviour, despite the fact that the students are entirely to blame. Some students absolutely need to get expelled as they simply aren’t interested in learning and just ruin it for everyone else by being annoying. Overall, not the best, but much better than other schools in Melbourne. Would recommend it if your daughter isn’t sensitive to gossip and drama, and is capable of staying work-inclined despite conflicting words from peers.
9/5/2022, 4:57:42 AM
As a parent of a child who attended ilim dallas girl campus. I have to say I'm really disappointed in this school they care only about their reputation. They don't help students with future careers advice. If they think you are not "capable" of doing a subject they don't let you do it. If you are planning to do vce go to another school where every child matters and are given opportunities to succeed, Not limited to what teachers think you are capable of doing or achieving.
12/1/2018, 7:55:10 AM
Honestly this school is trash, I feel like there are too many reasons of why this school is horrible. The teachers in Quran don’t teach you anything, they expect you to know everything before you come, they want you to learn a whole verse in a single period. The classrooms are always so dirty, people are always throwing paper in the classroom, the blinds don’t work, actually there aren’t any blinds. The windows are so large that when we watch a video, we can’t see anything. We pay so much for excursions and for our luck we only went on two excursions this year in year seven. Apparently the camp for year seven is terrible, there are spiders and people are not safe, what if they are allergic? The teachers will not care whatsoever. The teachers at this school don’t teach anything, they only stand in front of the students and yell, because they get paid to do so. The spelling words we get are for year three students, even preps get spelling words, it’s unbelievable. The canteen prices are way out of the budget for these innocent young students, we even pay 30 cents for a fork, like, that should be free. The cheapest thing on the menu is 50 cents, at my old school the cheapest thing was 5 cents. The canteen workers don’t know what you say, they speak in Turkish half the time and expect students, mostly Arabs to know what they are saying. The canteen workers only give discounts to Turks, which is rude because most students at Ilim are Arab. For the high school students, there is a ridiculous point system. If your scarf is not pinned up properly then it is considered wrong uniform and the consequence is up to 3 points, if you forget your blazer, once again you get 3 points. If you get 10 points you get a detention, if you get 20 points you get an after school detention, 30 is a suspension and 80 gets you expelled. We pay 350+ dollars for oxford books that we hardly ever use, they are extremely heavy and are really irritating on the first day of school when you have to bring all of your books. The lockers are really small, they hardly have room for your books and your bag, which is horrible because the books are unnecessarily large. There are too many reasons why this school is horrible.
7/28/2017, 5:01:39 AM
This school is horrible it's pretty much a prison especially for students,I can tell that wherever you go there will be a Turkish student, at least 1 in 3 is a Turk. The school canteen is the most expensive like 20c for a fork that should be free. For high school students there is a ridiculous point system, not just for behavior reasons for basically everything. If a students scarf is unpinned it is considered wrong uniform and the consequence 3 points. If u reach up to 10 points u have a detention, if u reach up to 20 points u get an after school detentions, if u reach up to 30 points it suspension, if u reach up to 80 point ur out of the school. The teachers are even more worse than the principal, that doesn't even make sense. The carpet is 1,000000 years old and is filled with dust, the blinds are falling apart, half of the school is out of bounds, there is a stupid hacking thing on the iPads that the students bought. The IT guys don't know anything. The toilets are dirty, the lockers are too small, canteen ladies don't give the right amount of change. They are more strict about uniform than education, teachers bully students. The buildings are so old. Teachers are cruel. Teachers expect respect when they don't even have any respect. Teachers are very racist. The teachers make you cry, teachers don't let u go bathroom or drink water there excuse is u just came from recess when it's 1 hour later. The school is a ripoff. Teachers don't really care about u.Teachers are unfair, very few teachers don't even know how to teach. Wastes your money on books u don't even use. Teachers freeze their students outside in the cold, if u get up to throw something in the bin u get points. The bus services are way too expensive. AND A LOT OF ETC.

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1.4 out of 5 stars

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