Clarinda Primary School

City of KingstonVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership
International students


Clarinda Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Clarinda Primary School is located in VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port region. Clarinda Primary School is 1 of 239 government schools in the Clarinda area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
Exams results
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Rank in the city
Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

City of Kingston, Victoria 1166 Centre Road Clarinda Victoria 3169


10/31/2022, 12:46:03 AM
I as an ex student hate this place, I now go to a school called Tulliallan Primary School which makes this school look like an ant, cause it is compared to most schools, though I still fell that this school gave me a strong base
5/15/2022, 8:39:35 AM
This school is more than amazing I’ve been coming here for 6 years now I’ve been so comfortable here. This school is amazing!
4/30/2022, 6:29:16 AM
Ariel in 5/6S cool dude :)
8/20/2018, 7:11:15 AM
I love this school. Fantastic new principal and kids are so well taken care off.
12/22/2015, 9:43:10 AM
Great school! I started out in thier links and steping up program, it helped me get used to my surroundings and find friends before starting prep. Once I started prep my teacher was mrs hallowell. She was a true inspiration! This school has every academic success and it may not be a well known school but It really achives things that popular schools may do. It has many victories in all subjects like, sports comps, spelling bees, writting comps, math comps, music ensemble/performing group, dance group, choir senior and junior,drama, friendship clubs, disability help, EAL, and much much more! The subjects are set out well and efficiently. The teachers are a close knitt community just like the kids. School camps are with quallified camping programs . There are swimming activities too! New children fit in perfectly whether they be grade 6 or prep! We are a school of love and academic success. I just graduated from this terrific school and I feel as if I have lost a beautiful treasure found in the depths of the bluee sea! I thank you with all my heart Clarinda Primary School! I loved every single milisecond of it! ♥♥♥♥♥ your former student Minuki

Rating based on reviews

4 out of 5 stars

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