Aspendale Gardens Primary School

City of KingstonVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Aspendale Gardens Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Aspendale Gardens Primary School is located in VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port region. Aspendale Gardens Primary School is 1 of 239 government schools in the Aspendale Gardens area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
Exams results
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Rank in the city
Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

(03) 9587 0877

City of Kingston, Victoria 96 Kearney Drive Aspendale Gardens Victoria 3195


6/28/2023, 7:49:37 AM
Great school in a great community.
12/15/2022, 10:39:44 PM
My child loved this school. Beautiful teachers and friends made. Very grateful to have such a wonderful school local to us.
3/18/2022, 12:50:03 AM
This school was okay, but the one thing I must say i had an inicdent in this school about 5 years ago, me and my mate Zack were playing AFL then all of sudden we crashed into each other which resulted to my knee cap being fractured, and I of course was sent to the first aid with my whole knee cap being swollen up, they just gave me an Ice pack and said ill be okay but those dumb teachers didn't even thought i should be sent home or sent to a medical centre to get it checked out, they made me stay for the whole entire day of school while my god dam knee cap was hurting so badly that I couldn't even stand on my left leg, besides that the school was acceptable, woudlnt recommend coming here if you expect good medical treatment for your child.
11/30/2018, 10:36:12 AM
Ya, this school was...ok Plenty of opportunities such as JMSS visit for science students, Maths Olympiad Challenge, UNSW ICAS test from yr3 to yr6. Carnivals every 2 year and a production the year that there is no carnival. In conclusion, very good school!
10/12/2018, 3:01:53 AM
We have been with the school for 10 yrs with all our kids. No complaints at all. Very few bullying incident that happened ( with kids being kids ) were dealt so well by the staff that my kids have become very confident individuals . My kids look forward to going to school and have made great friends. We are a very satisfied parents with the school.

Rating based on reviews

4.2 out of 5 stars

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