Rowville Secondary College

City of KnoxVictoria

Institution data

High school
Type of ownership
International students


Rowville Secondary College is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years 7-12. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Rowville Secondary College is located in VIC, Melbourne Eastern Suburbs region. Rowville Secondary College is 1 of 226 government schools in the Rowville area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

City of Knox, Victoria Humphreys Way Rowville Victoria 3178


10/5/2022, 6:14:39 AM
This school really needs to address their bullying policy. Rather than suspending year 7 children they should have lunchtime detention or even Saturday morning detention. We belong to a family of 5 teachers, Medical Doctors and University lecturers. Since the Pandemic and Victoria having had the Worlds longest lockdown, I am appalled at suspending these fragile people. Other schools do not suspend 12 year old students. Feel very sad and disappointed with this policy by the Principal.
3/22/2022, 4:05:32 AM
the concrete is a very well mixed and has a smooth concept to the top layer for when you want to lay down and watch the stars with oscar
8/7/2019, 12:44:33 AM
da school is kinda okay but the uniform is pretty trash, im getting sick like every week and because of that im missing out on my classes haha. school doesnt care if im sick but cares if i attend class???? maybe if you had better uniform then maybe i could come to class. also you keep painting the school like bruh, send some moeny towards sports equipment, fixing the heaters and ac or towards better stuff for the senior students. learning mentor was supposed to get students to learn about values, but you have to be in a 15 minute class with other students from OTHER year levels. and we just sit there rather than be in an important class lol
6/27/2019, 1:14:23 PM
I go to this school and there are so many problems with it but the sad thing is there are so many ways to fix it. The uniform: the uniform is not suited for winter months with no option of a spray jacket we are forced to wear our own jumper and be told off or freeze The teachers: not only are some of the teachers incapable of actually teaching a class but some of them are rude and speak disgustingly to students, I first hand have seen a teacher say “person name” you look like u should be standing on the corner with you dress that short that’s disgusting. Not to mention the fact that they would rather worry about correct uniform than actually teach the class they are in Phones/headphones: yes phone use is a distraction in the class but headphones are a whole new level imagine the whole class is wearing headphones they can’t hear each other therefore they can’t talk it’s pretty simple, also not only does music help brain function and relax people it’s a good way to keep focussed The school itself: the east has many problems not only do some of the rooms not have heating or air conditioning due to the fact they have never been fixed but some of the rooms carpets are sold old you can see mould forming. The west recently has had some “major upgrades” according to the school when all they really did was repaint a corridor and the classes in said corridor and replace the carpet, this is good and all but they also spent heaps of money making a whole year 7 area that other students aren’t allowed in with fake grass automatic doors and new locker bays leaving us older students with way more stress and time at the school with nothing. Bullying: bullying here is awful and the way the school handles it is not appropriate, they would rather tell the students being bullied to go to wellbeing and learn strategy’s to not let it affect you than actually punish the bully’s for their behaviour. All in all this school is complete garbage and I’m so glad that I am dropping out cause if I had to stay at this school an extra year I would have %100 killed my self.
5/21/2019, 1:36:47 AM
The school is alright, The teachings is decent and as a fellow student of this School I must say there's alot it can improve upon for instance the approach for individual's learning and clothing policy is becoming ridiculously. Other than that it is a good school

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2.2 out of 5 stars

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