Huntingdale Primary School

City of MonashVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership
International students


Huntingdale Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Huntingdale Primary School is located in VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port region. Huntingdale Primary School is 1 of 239 government schools in the Oakleigh South area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
Exams results
Rating based on reviews
Rank in the city
Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

City of Monash, Victoria Grange Street Oakleigh South Victoria 3167


2/15/2023, 9:44:05 AM
It's a good school
1/25/2023, 8:44:28 PM
Most of the teachers are wonderful, but sadly management are a real let down. The school used to be fantastic but over the last 4 years has gone downhill so fast, with so many lost opportunities for students eg, no yr 6 camp. There is no inclusion, no support for children with disabilities, and if your child suffers from anxiety, the school environment will make it worse. It is dreadful for a childs mental health. Bullying is not dealt with properly. Nothing is done in a positive manner to support all students. Discipline is conducted in a 1970's approach where student's mental health is being destroyed. Its not until you move your child to another school that you realise just how bad & behind HPS is. Stay right away from this school if you can.
10/17/2022, 3:20:27 AM
I went here and my experience was atrocious as the school does not help students that are bullied, only stepping in when it gets physical which usually is too late already Only teacher that is good is Mr Rob
2/17/2022, 2:27:42 PM
It was quite disappointing, as a business owner, to be left with a potentially damaging 1 star review by someone representing this school. Clearly they have a significant problem with honesty as we have not ever even quoted any works at this school so for this review to be made is simply ridiculous, and, worse, dishonest. It sadly speaks to the very character of the school if its representatives are prepared to do things like this.
8/7/2019, 5:31:27 AM
Each to their own... This school has been fantastic for myself and both my sons, they have had fabulous, caring teachers and the administration team are also very lovely and helpful. Great programs, Great Atmosphere and overall appearance and plenty of External Educational Opportunities for the kids to experience. Fundraising events care of the P&C are always a hit and keep the school updated with fresh equipment and technology for the "Little Ones". Highly Recommend HPS!

Rating based on reviews

2.6 out of 5 stars

total 5 reviews

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