Colac Primary School

Colac Otway ShireVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Colac Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Colac Primary School is located in VIC, Barwon-South Western region. Colac Primary School is 1 of 134 government schools in the Colac area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
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AddressOn large map

Colac Otway Shire, Victoria 65 Murray Street Colac Victoria 3250


5/10/2023, 2:47:40 PM
Up to date clean ,good reputation
3/21/2022, 5:47:37 AM
My son had lots of trouble with bullying at this school since changing to a different school hes had no problems and is a different child. And enjoys going to school finally
6/10/2021, 3:46:47 AM
i love how religous this school is. i totally agree with worshipping pelicans, i love how its on The uniform. PELICAN GANG YEAHHHH
7/10/2020, 1:33:43 AM
My son liked his time at this school and He made Vice captain this year and that made me very happy
1/3/2020, 6:27:00 AM
I commenced grade prep in 1951 at Colac East Primary School. I'd lived in Colac for almost two years after my father was transferred to the local police station. We left early the following year. I have mixed memories of my time there, but mostly happy ones. The teacher we had was lovely, I think it was Miss Makem (or similar). Friends at school I remember were Lindsay Zooner, Rosemary True, Dawn Heppell and many whose faces I still recall, but not names. The headmaster was Mr Treadwell, with whom I had a tempestuous relationship. I'd do something wrong, he'd chastise me, I'd retaliate, etc etc etc. Looking back at the stunts I pulled, it's no wonder he seemed to always have me in his office for punishment. I was creative, even at that young age! :D PS: Sad to see the old bluetone school building has gone. :\

Rating based on reviews

3.8 out of 5 stars

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