Noorat Primary School


Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Noorat Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Noorat Primary School is located in VIC, Barwon-South Western region. Noorat Primary School is 1 of 134 government schools in the Noorat area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
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Rank in the city
Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

Noorat, Victoria MacKinnon's Bridge Road Noorat Victoria 3265


3/28/2019, 10:45:53 AM
An incredible learning environment! The gorgeous view of Mt Noorat and fantastic natural nature in the school grounds are only the beginning! This wonderful school has a very special vibe to it. A place where children love to go, feel safe, included and involved in their education. The students are given plenty of hands on learning experiences, from the most caring, respectful and fun teachers you could possibly hope for. Noorat primary school boasts modern learning rooms, infrastructure and up to date technology, the programs are carefully planned to be enjoyable, creating a positive learning experience for all the students. We are about to send our 4th child to Noorat primary school. As a parent, I feel actively involved in my children’s education, on a behavioural, social and academic side. I’m kept thoroughly up to date with the happenings of the school and it’s culture and I feel very pleased knowing that my children are receiving one on one learning and achieving well above the academic standard for their age. I also feel relief as a mother knowing that my children are left under the supervision of outstanding leaders whom care deeply for each and every child. To summarise the noorat primary school family we are a little school with the biggest heart and I would recommend this school to any prospective families looking for an enjoyable and successful education allowing children to be actively involved in their on learning and development.
11/17/2018, 10:12:33 PM
Looks a bit neglected. Lots of yard work and general maintenance required. I would have thought the place would have been overrun with local volunteers. Large open spaces and lots of opportunities and possibilities
11/18/2014, 8:44:40 AM

Rating based on reviews

4.3 out of 5 stars

total 3 reviews

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