Avenel Primary School

Strathbogie ShireVictoria

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Avenel Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years P-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Avenel Primary School is located in VIC, Goulburn-North Eastern region. Avenel Primary School is 1 of 143 government schools in the Avenel area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
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AddressOn large map

Strathbogie Shire, Victoria 40 Anderson Street Avenel Victoria 3664


8/22/2022, 7:22:59 PM
I hated my year 3 teacher miss whitaker or whatever can't be botherd spelling her name right anyways loved eating at school on Thursdays and my year 5/6 teacher was so strict. Hope he becomes less stricter for the other years.
4/30/2022, 4:55:17 PM
Loved loved loved and loved this school to pieces. Was never reluctant to get up in a morning go to this school! Every teacher, and I mean every, was kind, helpful etc etc. I left this school about a year ago and I just miss it so much I’ve got 3 younger siblings that go there and I’m so jealous of them 😂😂. I think I write another review a few months ago but I wasn’t rlly happy about it so yeh, don’t dis this school. Cuz it’s probably the best. Love you Ley Top Primaryyyy!
5/12/2021, 6:09:41 AM
This school as got to be the best yet so far my girl loves all the teachers and always excited to get up on a morning to go to school xxx
2/7/2019, 9:32:42 AM
Absolutely would NOT recommend sending your child to this school my son only started after September last year 2018 after moving to this area I feel horrible for even changing his schools now as he gets bullied everyday an dosnt get sorted! The teachers look at you like your something on the bottom of the shoe!! No communication at all but will send letters of concerns about late marks bare in mind I don’t give my son irelivant days off I still get him there! When your on time the teachers like to ignore you it’s like they like to make a statement to the class who’s the one always late but my son has only been late 8 times in 5 months but this is a concern to them! I’m having to unsettle my son again to change school because he begs me too, he’s in a class with Years 2’s when he’s only in year 1 and struggles with the work which there’s no surprise as his home work is very hard an I wouldn’t say he’s even at a stage to complete it!! Disgusting you ring up to speak about these concerns and no one EVER gets back to you. All the teachers like to smoke at the front gates to reception which is appalling. Do wish I looked more into this school before sending him as I thought it would be good as it been so close to home!!! DONT SEND YOUR CHILDREN HERE
8/5/2017, 11:14:04 PM
Omg this school is so bad I went to that school and the teaching skills need to improve and some teacher don't even bother teaching the children

Rating based on reviews

3.2 out of 5 stars

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