Coolbinia Primary School

City of StirlingWestern Australia

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Coolbinia Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years K-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Coolbinia Primary School is located in WA, Perth, North Eastern Suburbs region. Coolbinia Primary School is 1 of 88 government schools in the Coolbinia area.

Institution indicators

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AddressOn large map

City of Stirling, Western Australia Bradford Street Coolbinia Western Australia 6050


5/22/2023, 2:27:01 PM
Such a wonderful school. There's a real community feel and staff are so caring. The teachers and principals are amazing. My son has thrived at this school and we are so sad this is his final year in primary. Thanks for an amazing experience
5/18/2023, 12:44:16 PM
honestly, i had (and still have) a personal grudge again the current school deputy, but i heard she's retiring now so its all good :) nice school, the deputy definity ruined it though, and um i hate crosscountry. kids, dont be tryhards, its not worth it, just walk the whole way. and also, some pretty racist teachers in year 6, not very ethical yk, and um the water from the undercover area bubbler>>>> soooo good yummy in my tummy
8/12/2022, 10:34:34 PM
Such a great public primary school, academically and most importantly well managed school when it comes to student discipline. The Principal, deputy principal, business manager and front office staff is very professional and helpful. Both of my kids started their journey of learning from this school. The student allocation for new rooms on each year is one of the best tasks that Principal and his team executing each year. The reason I rated 2 Star because of one negative fact about her year 6 teacher and, careless behaviour of her year 5 teacher unfortunately both of the teachers failed to keep up with the great teachers in the school. The year 5 teacher was the worst when it comes to the fact of “ duty of care “ The incident in summary, I’ve received a call from school that my elder daughter was unwell with a mild chest pain, I rushed to the school and found out that she’s been forced to do the cross country in the morning without taking into consideration of my daughters dry cough and asthmatic situation even she mentioned that to the teacher because she missed to get a written notice from home to exclude from cross country activity. The Asthmatic conditions at times lead to cardiac arrest and I believe that teachers are aware of this fact. This teacher’s irresponsible arrogant behaviour could have ended up with a catastrophic health situation to my child. I hope that the teacher learned a lesson on that day and look after the students with care and common sense.
12/30/2020, 7:40:49 AM
I had a great time at this school
12/15/2015, 1:37:52 AM
It's been well over a decade now, so I can only speak to the past and not the present state of the school; visually it looks expanded and improved greatly and isn't suffering from budget issues I recall that used to occur. The teachers from a decade ago were all quite good, none of them particularly bad especially considering future teachers I experienced. I had a difficult time in my schooling period due to unrelated issues but they helped with making the best of it at the time. These times are long gone but I recall being a young child and during heavy rain, splashing around and soaking myself; the principal at that time was a very kind man and took it upon himself to drive me to my nearby grandparents place after I was too wet for class after lunch, as we personally knew him. I don't doubt times have significantly changed, rules tightened and the atmosphere of the school having changed drastically. Whether this is for the better or for the worse? I could not say now. Despite my rough experience in the past as stated, due to unrelated issues, I had quite a good time all considered at this school and I can recall many memories.

Rating based on reviews

4 out of 5 stars

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