Yuluma Primary School

City of StirlingWestern Australia

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Yuluma Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years K-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Yuluma Primary School is located in WA, Perth, North Western Suburbs region. Yuluma Primary School is 1 of 109 government schools in the Innaloo area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
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Rank in the country


AddressOn large map

City of Stirling, Western Australia 21 Ambrose Street Innaloo Western Australia 6018


5/25/2023, 3:57:45 AM
A student brought a knife into school with an intent and threats to harm students. Yuluma Principal failed her duty of care to students and failed notification to parents and police about the incident. Myself and my child notified police about the incident and professional misconduct of the Principal and another staff member (my childs disability assistant) - where these two staff members caused psychological harm, due to the Principal and staff member verbally attacking my child and another victim of the knife incident. When I raised my concerns post incident, these concerns were squished and I was gaslit, with a professional advocate to witness.. My child has been removed from this school due to on-going psychological damage caused by this incident. Our formal statements will he provided to the education department in due time.
5/23/2023, 7:27:46 AM
This school has students that can physically harm other students with no repercussions. No suspensions at all. The school assured us that the violet student would be separated from the other students (victims) but this was only imposed for one week, and the child in question was allowed to play freely with everyone. This had left multiple children in the class, feeling anxious, not safe and scared to come to school. Really disappointed in this school system.
10/9/2020, 3:06:01 AM
I have been here before with my sister because my had broken leg and my year 6 teacher who is teaching in year 5 she thinks she is overrated so she forced my sister to run with a broken leg and now she is in different school I'm now 13 and my name is malakai Doolan-Tito if your child has a broken leg make sure call the school if your child has a broken leg thank you
2/26/2020, 10:55:24 AM
My son & daughter has Been attending here for a long time now and have had support from the teachers ad and both doing well and there have a great activities. I hope there reflect time will change
2/25/2020, 9:05:16 AM
Great school love some of the teachers very organised some teachers are a little over strict but it does help for highschool! 😊😋

Rating based on reviews

3.2 out of 5 stars

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