Collier Primary School

PerthWestern Australia

Institution data

Primary school
Type of ownership


Collier Primary School is a Coeducation primary school, serving years K-6. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Collier Primary School is located in WA, Perth, South Western Suburbs region. Collier Primary School is 1 of 100 government schools in the Como area.

Institution indicators

ParentsHub Rating
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AddressOn large map

Perth, Western Australia 17 Hobbs Avenue Como Western Australia 6152


3/5/2019, 8:41:52 AM
Great school and teachers !
12/14/2018, 12:32:22 PM
3/20/2018, 10:56:29 AM
Best school so far my daughter ,best committed teachers,very friendly team,the headteacher don't tolerate bad behaviour from pupils which is good! Keep it up E.P Collier.
9/25/2017, 3:35:49 PM
This school only showed my child that bullies will always win Teachers were to scared to approach the parents of the bullies including the headmaster who came across as supported but never did nothing It's even acceptable for a child to have knifes on the playground and saying they will stab every one this result in suspension for a day !!!!! Plus kids with smart phones with adult videos and showing them arround ... Racist behaviour was one big problem, it result in my child starting to bully back Unfortunately , but he needed to defend himself somehow .,as teachers could not care less , things got fisical also, They pushed he pushed back and so on ... but he got in trouble for fighting back even when was 3 against him ,and most of times he will be the only one getting punishment ... My son attend ep Colier 2015/2016 = year 5 And 2016/2017 = year 6 My son's teacher who to me needs way more training to be teaching , stop a student from going to toilet to result in him wetting himself and still feel cocky about it , just comes to show what kinda of person she is . I showed her my views on that and she didn't like it ,her answer to me was : how do u know he needed the toilet " what!!!! And i said: " how do u know he didn't need the toilet do u control his bladder ? !!! He clearly did as he wet himself !!! "" actually she turned her back on me and never apologie , from that day on my son had full permission from me to go to toilet when ever he need it , he is no slave, simple , And so he did , he just let them know he was going to toilet and that was it . She made sure my child didn't got the highest score on purpose I am pretty sure , As my child is fantastic in mats and pretty good at spelling too but worse students did Actually my son was the only one in his class not to get %100 at least in one category Every one else did .... he got %99 Once she told my son to go home He was having a bit of a cold and he told her and that was her reply " go home then" The gates were still open as we just dropped him imagine if he did took off .... we don't live close either. .. "I don't want to see your face ever again " my son's teacher said that many times to my son and class mates when she was angry ... what a great thing to say ... blimey me ... There was a male teacher telling my son to "F . .off " they suppose to start a investigation but I never heard nothing after ... A teacher/ assistant grab my son's hand so hard it come home crying ... I did report all of this to higher departments it's on file Please don't be afraid to report when things are not right , the more information they get the better 2 long years , I'm just glad it's over . 25/9/17 the ep collier school contact me about my post it seems that I am not allowed to mention the name of my son's teacher 🤔 I guess if I was saying something positive that would not be a problem but well ... my post , my views ,and opinion will still stand . Everything I wrote here is absolutely true , i am not insulting anyone but just stating the facts
2/21/2017, 5:05:23 PM
It is a amazing school you can learn a lot over there in that school

Rating based on reviews

4.2 out of 5 stars

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